Scott Hollenbeck MD


Senior Residents Conference 2024 40867

Wednesday, September 25 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. SDCC, Room 32AB
Additional Fee

Scientific Abstract Presentations: Breast Session 9 40922

Saturday, September 28 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. SDCC, Room 25C
Abstracts Breast

What Would You Do? One Problem, Many Solutions 41117

Saturday, September 28 2:00-3:30 p.m. SDCC, Ballroom 20BC
Medical Programming Breast

What is Lipedema? 41124

Saturday, September 28 5:00-6:00 p.m. SDCC, Room 24AB
Medical Programming Reconstructive

Exit Strategy: How to Manage Through Difficult and Enduring Complications 41004

Sunday, September 29 8:00-9:30 a.m. SDCC, Room 24AB
Medical Programming Reconstructive

Presidential Line and Trustees (Closed) 4890

Sunday, September 29 9:30-10:30 a.m. SDCC, Room 27A
Board and Committees


  • Academic Affairs Council
  • Accreditation Work Group
  • Annual Meeting Council
  • ASPS EdNet Editorial Subcommittee
  • ASPS Emerging Trends Subcommittee
  • ASPS/PSF Audit Committee
  • ASPS/PSF Board of Directors
  • ASPS/PSF Corporate Champions
  • Breast Implant Safety Committee
  • Breast Implant-Associated Cancer Subcommittee
  • Coding and Payment Policy Committee
  • COI Disclosure Review Group - BOD
  • Compensation Committee
  • Continuing Education Committee
  • Development Committee
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Education Strategy Advisory Council
  • Finance & Investment Committee
  • Global Advancement for Academic Plastic Surgery
  • Global Plastic Surgery Congress Steering Committee
  • Governance Committee
  • Governance Planning Group - Presidents
  • Governance Planning Group - Presidents-Elect
  • Healthcare Delivery Committee
  • In-Service Examination Subcommittee
  • International Subcommittee
  • Leadership Development Committee
  • Noordhoff Steering Committee
  • Online Education Council
  • Presidential Line (Nominating Committee-Related)
  • Presidential Line and Trustees
  • PRS Editorial Board
  • PRS Managing Committee
  • Resident Curriculum Development Committee
  • Social Media Subcommittee
  • Spring Meeting Council
  • Strategy and Prioritization
  • Technology, Innovation, Disruption and Entrepreneurship Committee