
ISPRES Day 2024
Advances in Fat Grafting and Regenerative Medicine

Join the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgeons (ISPRES) ISPRES Logo for ISPRES Day at Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2024 in San Diego. This engaging session will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, in room 24AB at San Dieago Convention Center.

Join us for this important session spotlighting the latest trends in regenerative medicine.

Organized by Co-Chairs Lee L.Q. Pu, MD, PhD, FACS, FICS and Peter Rubin, MD, the session will cover topics on recent advances in fat grafting and adipose-derived stem cell research, including more mature clinical applications of fat grafting and regenerative surgery for facial rejuvenation, breast surgery, body contouring and reconstruction of difficult wounds.

Invited Speakers

The panel of speakers will include these plastic surgery experts:

Lee Pu, MD, PhD, FACS
(United States)


Peter Rubin, MD
(United States)

Stephen Cohen, MD
(United States)

Stefania DeFazio, MD (Italy)

Arias Sterodimas, MD

Roger Khouri, MD (United States)